Creativity in Nature: Youth Craft Camp
Course Overview
Have you ever wondered about the trees that grow in Minnesota? What makes them different across the state and special to our region of the country? Explore how to use your curiosity and five senses as tools to begin learning how to look and appreciate the wide world of trees! We will work as a community of naturalists and artists to share ways of noticing patterns, shapes and colors for design inspiration. Each student will design a Leaf Motif based on their own observational drawings and learn how to make a mini-screenprinting screen. We will print on fabric and paper and learn how decorating with plant patterns is a part of human culture!
Ages: 8-11
Scholarships available: There are a limited number of half cost and full cost scholarships available for youth residents of Cook County.
Families of Cook County youth requesting scholarships should call North House at 387-9762 and ask for Sarah or email swaddle@northhouse.org.
Camp Schedule:
Camps are held from 9 am-4 pm each day with an hour break from noon-1 for lunch and down time. All campers must bring their own bag lunch to eat each day.
We encourage kids to bring a book or quiet game for their break and they will have access to outdoor space in good weather to play during lunch break.
COVID Safety:
Health and safety of all participants is our top priority.
All campers will be required to wear face masks during the day at camp (except when eating/drinking) regardless of vaccination status.
All activities will be planned to maintain social distancing of 6 or more feet between participants as much as possible.
Camps will be limited to 8 or 9 campers with 1 or 2 instructors for a total group size of no more than 10 people.
Indoor activities will take place in our large classrooms, with windows open for ample ventilation. Instructors will teach outdoors when possible.
Every camper will undergo a temperature check and verbal symptom screening at the beginning of each day of camp, campers who feel ill will be asked to stay home.
Families are asked to be mindful of these health and safety precautions in the two weeks leading up to and during their child’s participation in camp.
Because projects worked on at camp build from day to day and learning extends throughout the week please only sign your child up for camp if they will be able to attend all days of the week.
Pick up and Drop Off:
You can drop your child off at their camp location up to 30 minutes before the start of camp each day. All parents/guardians must drop off their children in person each day of camp, and must wait to leave until their child has had their temperature/symptom screening for the day. At the time of registrations, parents/guardians may authorize their child to walk or bike home from camp alone.
All kids not walking/biking must be picked up by an authorized parent/guardian within 10 minutes of the end of the camp day.