We couldn’t have come this far without you.
As a lead donor, you have fueled 20 years of folk learning and community building here at North House. Thank you for your continued investment in work that enriches lives every day through craft and community.
In celebration of all you have done to lead us through the past two decades, and in anticipation of many joyous years to come, we are honored to invite you to join our new major giving programs: the Dovetail Circle and the Grundtvig Circle.
Your participation in these programs allows us to thank and recognize your leadership, bring you closer to our mission. Your continued involvement lays the foundation for many more decades of handcraft, storytelling, and community building along the shore. Please contact our director of development Tom Morse at tmorse@northhouse.org or (218) 387-9762 to discuss.
The Dovetail Circle
Annual gifts of $1,000-$4,999
Your passion for lifelong learning and your confidence in the future of North House are the interlocking pieces of the Dovetail Circle.
This group of generous supporters contributes an annual gift of $1,000 or higher. Members of the Dovetail Circle link generosity with strategy, and are committed to cultivating a bright future for community building and hands-on creativity.
The Grundtvig Circle
Annual gifts of $5,000-$10,000
Your leadership underscores your belief that the world needs more places like North House.
Named for Danish philosopher N.F. S. Grundtvig (who championed the folk school movement in the 1800s), this group of visionary partners strengthen donor involvement at every level, inspire funders to invest, and offer strategic perspective.
Learn more
Your support at any level is critical to our success. Please contact us if you'd like to discuss giving opportunities through our new Major Gifts Programs, Sustaining Memberships, or Planned Giving.
We graciously accept gifts of cash and stock, as well as endowment and legacy support. Employer match opportunities are similarly welcome.
To discuss these opportunities, please contact Tom Morse at tmorse@northhouse.org or (218) 387-9762.