Naturally Sweet: Using Honey and Maple Syrup
Course Overview
Sweet things have natural appeal to our taste buds! Embrace nature’s sweet side as you learn to work with local honey and maple syrup—pure, delicious, versatile, and relatively healthful alternatives to refined sugar. Their flavors are concentrated and complex and offer cooks a range of options. This class will take these natural sweeteners well beyond cookies, cakes and desserts. It will also cover tree saps such as birch and black walnut syrups (less abundant and less sweet), as well as maple. We’ll review the different grades of maple syrup and explore their best uses in marinades, basting sauces, and barbecue sauces, too. Considering honey, we’ll review the different types—i.e. sweet clover, basswood, buckwheat, etc.—and match flavor to use. Students will leave with recipes and a variety of foods we make throughout the class—granola, spiced nuts, spreads (sweet and savory), vinaigrettes, breads, and cookies. Bring your sweet tooth!