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Anna Sharratt

Minneapolis, MN
North House Folk School photo of instructor, Anna Sharratt

From Nordic foods to traditional craft, from frilufstliv (“open air life”) to Nordic holiday traditions, Anna Sharratt loves to explore and share her Swedish and Icelandic ancestry. A knitter, adventurous home cook, youth instructor, and the founder of Free Forest School, Anna lives in Minneapolis with her husband, three kids, and dog, Harpa. In 2021, Anna was the recipient of a fellowship through the American Scandinavian Foundation to study youth slöjd (craft) instruction in Sweden during Fall 2022.

Current Courses Offered by Anna Sharratt

Teaser image for Makers Camp for Outdoor Kids

Makers Camp for Outdoor Kids

These four days will be packed full of fun, creative, and interesting crafts! Each day you’ll…
Mon, Aug 5th, 2024  –  Thu, Aug 8th, 2024
9am-4pm each day
Instructor: Anna Sharratt

Past Courses Offered by Anna Sharratt

A Midsommar Feast

Skyr: Making Icelandic Yogurt

Skyr: Making Icelandic Yogurt

Wood, Fiber, Leather, Wire: A Handcraft Sampler

Youth Craft Camp: Wood, Fiber, Water

Youth Craft Camp: Wood, Fiber, Water

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