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Roger Abrahamson

Minneapolis, MN
North House Folk School photo of instructor, Roger Abrahamson

Roger is a traditional bowl turner who specializes in the creation of Norwegian ale vessels. He uses a spring pole lathe, hand-forged tools, and freshly harvested native woods. Roger's fascination with these objects has its roots in his immigrant grandmother's ale bowl, which is still in the family. Roger has demonstrated his trade at Nordic Fest, Norsk Hostfest, the Minnesota State Fair, the Smithsonian Institute's Viking Exhibition, and several other historic sites. He has been a turner for 18 years, working with a pole lathe exclusively for the past 12.

Current Courses Offered by Roger Abrahamson

Teaser image for Old World Ale Bowls: Pole and Power Lathe Turning

Old World Ale Bowls: Pole and Power Lathe Turning

Learn to turn on both power and pole lathes and explore the historical continuum of bowl turning in…
Thu, Nov 14th, 2024  –  Sun, Nov 17th, 2024
9am-5pm each day
Instructor: Roger Abrahamson

Past Courses Offered by Roger Abrahamson

Carve a Loom, Weave a Band: Carving Session

Wooden Bowl Turning: Norwegian Ale Bowls on the Pole Lathe

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